Sunday, July 23, 2006


It was my last day on Thursday.

I was going to bring in a cake, but Michelle said she'd make one so Goo could have it too. She promised it would be a gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, yummy, chocolate cake.
Four out of five isn't too bad.

At least it wasn't mixed with ice-cream like the one I bought for the staff lunch. Yeah, oops.
Everyone was really nice. Got a card and a gift voucher, which I didn't expect, but helped fund yesterday's shopping trip.

I miss Syd. Thought of some great ideas for her hair last night. Will have to save them up til the end of the year.

There is a ccc pretty close. Don't know if I want to go there again. Besides, it wouldn't be same. So I guess that's the end of that. Although there is apparantly an org'n called Students4Kids or some suchness.

I guess you never know.

Friday, July 14, 2006

All Good Things

I have three more days of work, then I am moving halfway across the country, to a place which in addition to being far, far way, also has no Sydney, Jack, Hugo, Grace, Mark, Princess, Tania or fortnightly income. Or funny, sad, ironic, poignant, hilarious, loving, hysterical anecdotes.

I still have to tell the boss, and Michelle and David.

A Day In The Life Of Jack

Jack was a little shit today.

He stole Charlotte's hat, ran away with it, and threw it when he realised he was being pursued.
He stole Patrick's hat, put it in the toilet, and flushed it.
He took all the bags off the lockers and threw them on the ground.
He grabbed all the books he could see (including the one Sophie was reading) and threw them in the air.
He took Mark's shirt and threw it in the bin. Guess what we had for lunch? That's right, spaghetti bolognaise.

But then came the high point of my day.

I heard a crash then a cry, and saw the flash of a bucket in motion.

Hugo likes throwing leaves in the air. He sometimes has difficulty distinguishing the difference between leaves, and say cups, plates, trains, toys, blocks. Jack has picked up this habit. This is annoying.
But back to the story.

Jack had thrown the bucket in the air - with a cheeky grin no doubt - and gravity, clearly on my side, had dealt him a smack upside the head.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Little Miss Syd

We now have J&H's little sis Sydney in our room. She is very cute and very smart. She likes having her hair done, and she always has lots of hairties, clips, and headbands from home so we can be very creative. She has an unfortunate habit of trying to follow her brothers outside or away from the table, but I'm working on it. She has the trademark family cheeky grin which she overuses cos she knows she is cute. She loves easily and is always excited to see the people she loves. Me and T being two of them, Sh not.

Morning tea, the 'rents had just left. Syd wasn't to happy about this and J(casual) was trying to settle her, but Syd was having none of it. Knows how to crack it with the best of them. Meanwhile, I was trying to make sure H didn't escape from the table and actually ate his morning tea, and watch everyone else at the table. When all (except Syd) seemed peaceful, I asked J if she wanted me to try with Syd. A contentious issue but I thought I should ask, because it was my room and because dad was standing watching at the window. She accepted, handed Syd to me, and ten seconds later, Little Miss Syd was all smiles (or at least, not all tears.) Couldn't resist a look at dad, who awarded me with a smile and a nod.
Guess I pass.

Staffing Stich Part 2

Turns out when I said 'two weeks' it should actually have been 'three months'. There is a big difference between the two.

As far as I can work out-
In the nursery: L and R do not want M there anymore as they feel she is incompetent. Although they don't mind her being thus in another room. J's position will be open soon and R will be applying.
In the middle room: P & K live together and therefore do not want to work together as well. If P goes, K will stay, but if P stays, then K will go to the nursery.
In our room: Sh is an idiot, but looks like staying. The nursery doesn't want her, I asked. T is applying for S's position which she just vacated. And I have applied to a school down south. Which leaves 0 of 3.

My first impressions of Sh were accurate.
1. She can't control the kids, most notably Princess, J&H, and Grace, all of whom like escaping during inside time and mealtimes.
2. She goes to the toilet like a lot.
3. She talks. All the time. And doesn't listen to the answers. So I tune her out. Then when she tells me the center's burning down, I won't be listening.

T and I made a list of things to 'discuss' at our team meeting. The meeting didn't happen but we passed the list on to Al. Don't know how much got through.

She has ideas, I'll give her that much. She just does not know how to do things in practice.

Lost in Translation

I don't even go to work and I come home with a story. Geez.

I'd been at the blood bank donating, come out, and sat to have a drink and a chocolate. A mother had been donating at the same time as me and we ended up at the same table, along with her two girls, I'm thinking 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 and their ten-month-old baby brother. The nurse woman comes out, gives us our drinks and two lollipops to the two girls.

The baby is chatting away to himself next to the elder of the two girls (Sarah. The other one was Charlotte, in case anyone's interested.) She listens to him for a little while, then turns back to the table and says "Connor wishes he could have a lollipop too." Their mother goes "Do babies eat lollipops?" (obviously an old conversation, as the two replied in near unison.) "Noo," shaking their heads. Sarah thinks about this for a while then tells us,

"Connor says he has a lollipop in his dreams."