Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Centre

I have an every-Tuesday shift at a new centre.

I'm support-workering again. It's interesting as a comparison of the old centre and between Goo and my new charge.

Ranee is both better and worse than Goo. Not as verbal, but he's getting better. Not as tantrummy, but then, Goo got better and Ranee has his moments. Ranee is more huggy but Goo seems happier to see you.

I kinda have a crush on Sean, even though he does not have an inside voice.

Grace I would personally place somewhere on the Spectrum, or somewhere in the area of diagnosable with something. She does have an awesome imagination. She had two pieces of cheese made into a house, and was all, "There's a mouse about the house," which is a cool book. THEN she broke off a teeny piece of cheese and was running the 'mouse' all about the house. Awesome.

Luke is like a cross between Damon and Jimi. Barely talks, but will chatter away to his mum. Talks to himself/his toys when he plays. Has started nodding to us when we ask him questions. And he did actually answer me. Plus we had an awesome game with a soccer ball and hula hoop wherein I got him to laugh hysterically which was brilliant.