Saturday, July 08, 2006

Staffing Stich Part 2

Turns out when I said 'two weeks' it should actually have been 'three months'. There is a big difference between the two.

As far as I can work out-
In the nursery: L and R do not want M there anymore as they feel she is incompetent. Although they don't mind her being thus in another room. J's position will be open soon and R will be applying.
In the middle room: P & K live together and therefore do not want to work together as well. If P goes, K will stay, but if P stays, then K will go to the nursery.
In our room: Sh is an idiot, but looks like staying. The nursery doesn't want her, I asked. T is applying for S's position which she just vacated. And I have applied to a school down south. Which leaves 0 of 3.

My first impressions of Sh were accurate.
1. She can't control the kids, most notably Princess, J&H, and Grace, all of whom like escaping during inside time and mealtimes.
2. She goes to the toilet like a lot.
3. She talks. All the time. And doesn't listen to the answers. So I tune her out. Then when she tells me the center's burning down, I won't be listening.

T and I made a list of things to 'discuss' at our team meeting. The meeting didn't happen but we passed the list on to Al. Don't know how much got through.

She has ideas, I'll give her that much. She just does not know how to do things in practice.

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