Friday, July 14, 2006

A Day In The Life Of Jack

Jack was a little shit today.

He stole Charlotte's hat, ran away with it, and threw it when he realised he was being pursued.
He stole Patrick's hat, put it in the toilet, and flushed it.
He took all the bags off the lockers and threw them on the ground.
He grabbed all the books he could see (including the one Sophie was reading) and threw them in the air.
He took Mark's shirt and threw it in the bin. Guess what we had for lunch? That's right, spaghetti bolognaise.

But then came the high point of my day.

I heard a crash then a cry, and saw the flash of a bucket in motion.

Hugo likes throwing leaves in the air. He sometimes has difficulty distinguishing the difference between leaves, and say cups, plates, trains, toys, blocks. Jack has picked up this habit. This is annoying.
But back to the story.

Jack had thrown the bucket in the air - with a cheeky grin no doubt - and gravity, clearly on my side, had dealt him a smack upside the head.

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