Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Power Struggle

My bf at the New Centre is Shane. Blonde hair, blue eyes, such a little man already. He bosses his sister around something shocking, but he completely loves her so it's almost ok.

At home, he is definitely the boss. Last week he told me I couldn't say a particular phrase because he'd already said it. It was his. Needless to say, it was something In Charge-ish, which he has no right to claim at all.

Today he was spinning a plate on the table in the playdough area. I asked him to stop. He didn't. I asked if I needed to take it away or move him somewhere else. He still didn't stop. I took the plate away. Aaron gave him another plate and I think told him to do it again. I moved Shane away and told Aaron to stop being a little shit. Maybe not in so many words.

With Aaron, it's that he is a cheeky little shit, but with Shane it's just pure stubborness.

Luckily, I am the queen of stubborn. We're a perfect match!

I moved Shane away and sat back down at another table. I invited him to join us but of course he's too stubborn for that. Eventually our game intruiged him and he told me to move my foot so he could pull the chair out. Of course he refused to say please so I didn't. Fricking queen of stubborn over here. Another few minutes and he so wanted to play that he managed to ask perfectly politely if I could please move.

I would like to think that means lesson learned, but I know we will do this all over again almost every day I'm there. It's just in our nature.