Sunday, June 11, 2006

Staffing sitch

T was away on holidays last week. So it was S being T, me being me, and new-S being A, who is not coming back. Looks like nS will be A forever at the end of her two weeks' trial. Not sure I like this plan.
1. She backs down from Princess and call the cavalry in (me, which is such a joke) which I don't think is setting a very good precedent.
2. She goes to the bathroom, like, every half hour.
3. She asks all these questions, like, What should I do with this?
nS: Should we keep this paint?
S: Nah, it's not really worth keeping it over the weekend.
nS: We could if we had some plastic and put it in the fridge.
S: We don't have any plastic.
nS: I could just get some clingwrap.
S: We don't have any clingwrap.
Me: I don't know if it's worth keeping it. We could just make some more.
nS: I know! [returns with the paint covered in a plastic glove. She puts it in the fridge.]

Me and S: Or we could just do that.

I didn't check on my way home but I wouldn't be suprised to find the paint no longer in the fridge, maybe say, washed down the sink. S will be glad to get out of our room.

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