Saturday, July 07, 2007

Preschool Holiday Program Teacher: Blah blah blah and there will be hand and foot painting on the verandah.
Liam: And if the teacher says wow you put it on the wall!


The Rents: Come on kids, we're going shopping.
Jack: We need [it's frickin contagious] to go cake shopping.
Me: Sounds good to me. Hey Jack, you can buy me one too.
Jack: Ok.
Me: Do you some money?
Jack: Yep.
Me: Oh, well, that makes one of us. Have fun shopping.

Next day, guess what we have for afternoon tea? Yep, chocolate cake. Turns out the kids went and got it and wouldn't let The Rents put it back. "We need to buy a cake for Missy. It's Missy's cake." Ha ha HA.

Thanks, kids. You are the BESTEST.

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