Sunday, July 22, 2007

Last Day (Again)

We had our rocking Preschool Holiday Program and PR2 / Likhwa's Last Day / T's Last Day / My Last Day Party Day on Friday. We made cookies, balloon people, glitter paintings, and party hats. We also ate huge amounts of cake provided by Likhwa, Emma, and Jack/Hugo/Syddy's shopping skills.

When I said goodbye to Mia (who is the best-spoken two-year-old in the whole entire world), her mum said that she's never seen Mia love someone as much and as quickly as she loves me. Which was the sweetest thing in the world for her to say. Even if I have a simple explanation for it. In the words of LMC:
I'd go back for one day just for the ego stroke.
When everyone in the whole center thinks I'm awesome, even kids who've never met me are bound to agree starting right then. It always wears off though!

I wrote goodbyes to J/H/S in their books, including a new update of what Hugo is into right at this present moment in time. Things like:

riding his bike on the concrete
throwing things into the playroom from preschool
Hugo in the preschool room

riding his bike on the bike path
the playroom
food that's not fishbites or cookies.

In addition, here's a list of things I've said in the last 24 hours or anticipate saying in the next that will confuse anyone in SA all to hell (and their origins):

Hugo: Oh no [insert something that has fallen, eg 'oh no stars' or, more likely, something that Hugo has dropped, eg 'oh no orange', or 'oh no tana toast' or, and this is not not within the bounds of possibility, something ceramic that Hugo has somehow taken the lid off and dropped it to the floor and smashed it into a million pieces such as 'oh no toilet'].

Connor: Behind you! (Even if said thing that he's pointing to is next to you or over there or even right in front of you.)

Connor: This one! (Said when he's choosing something, as in the following conversation:
K: Here Connor do you want your smoothie?
Connor: NO. (Another patented Connor phrase.)
K: Do you want my banana one then?
Connor: This one! (Pointing to my smoothie.)

Which leads me to...

K: Yeah no.


D's pajama's from Pajama Party Day: Let me think about it. Ummm, no!

D and I: 1234...Hi5!

edited to add:
"i NEED you to ..." (hugo)
signing things like 'finished' and 'ready' and 'orange' at people who don't quite understand.

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