Monday, June 25, 2007

First Day Back (Again)

"Hi Jake! I'm Missy! Get off the concrete!"
[Cue T and D pissing themselves laughing.]

Emma: My dad's on a work trip. It's cold. He has to wear lots and lots of clothes.
Jessie: Well, he can't wear no clothes.

Also had a heaps long chat with Anastasia who will never talk to ask you something but when her and Jessie and I had been messing around on the cushions for a while she wouldn't shut up. Jack is much more articulate now, and there's a new girl called Mia who is incredibly well-spoken for such a young kid. There's also a new kid called Tylar who I've decided will be a rugby player when he grows up, but a really sweet one. Syddy did her fake-coy thing for a while but of course got over it. Emma and Jessie hung off me all day which I'm hoping they'll be over by tomorrow. And we had signing class after work which was good as I'd forgotten some and got to learn some new ones. Let's hope the novelty of being back doesn't wear off for another few weeks!

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