Saturday, December 16, 2006

Things I Remember Part 1

Thinking about my own creche days:

One day I really wanted to be patted, but I assume that I went to sleep by myself or was too old to be patted or something, but no one was patting me.

Finally (probably cos I was annoying them by not going to sleep, or they got all the rowdy kids off to sleep) someone came to pat me.

BUT instead of stroking my back like I wanted (hair even would have been ok) I got a fully hard PAT on my back (or bum maybe) which was
a) nowhere near what I wanted, and
b) way more likely to keep me awake than put me to sleep.

However, I assume I had a sleep that day (but maybe not) but if I did, I feel sure it was out of self-defence so I didn't get freaking patted to death.

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