Saturday, December 23, 2006

I wanna be Syd

I want to be a four-year-old forever. Or Little Miss Syd.

You have to paint pictures or do collages all day. Then people say nice things about them, no matter what.

You have ride around bikes and be pushed on swings and go on bear hunts all day.

You get to sleep for two hours in the middle of every day.

You have your own personal hairdresser (which I would kill for and is the main point of my jealousy of Syd. I love people brushing my hair).

Seriously. How awesome would that be.

Incidentally, my dad is getting a prettiful calendar and Christmas card that I collaged for him all by myself at creche. He'll take it to work and be so very proud of his clever daughter.

Things I've Learned

7am is not merely a fictional device.

7am as a real time is muchly overrated.

If you begin work at 7am, the morning goes for-freaking-ever.

You do get a morning tea break though, which is nice.

A longer lunch break is over-rated. What the hell are you gonna do for the extra fifteen minutes? Nothing, that's what.

Being left alone in a playground (or a department store) is not as much fun when it seems like your parents have forgotten to pick you up.

If I swing real hard, I really can touch the shadecloth.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Things I Remember Part 1

Thinking about my own creche days:

One day I really wanted to be patted, but I assume that I went to sleep by myself or was too old to be patted or something, but no one was patting me.

Finally (probably cos I was annoying them by not going to sleep, or they got all the rowdy kids off to sleep) someone came to pat me.

BUT instead of stroking my back like I wanted (hair even would have been ok) I got a fully hard PAT on my back (or bum maybe) which was
a) nowhere near what I wanted, and
b) way more likely to keep me awake than put me to sleep.

However, I assume I had a sleep that day (but maybe not) but if I did, I feel sure it was out of self-defence so I didn't get freaking patted to death.

Cos T and I are so awesome

We're Going On A Bear Hunt!

Princess was all "I wanna go on a bear hunt." I think she just wanted some company on a walk while she pretended to look for bears but really got a personal walk with an adult, but I grabbed T and said "We're going on a bear hunt," and asked a few kids if they wanted to come and we soon had a big group following us on our hunt. Hugo came too, looking very confused at first, since he knows that the Bear Hunt book is "gooone, gooone" from the bookshelves in our room, but getting into it a bit more later.

As an aside, I know MJ doesn't like T and I hanging out together when we're outside, but since we ended up with more than half the kids tagging along with us, I think two teachers were justified and she can just bite me.

So we went

through the long wavy grass, swishy swashy
through the thick oozy mud, squelch squelch
through the deep cold river, splash splash
through the big dark forest, stumble trip
through the swirling whirling snowstorm, woooooh

until we got to the narrow gloomy cave

where we ended up at the corner of the fence where a tree is right in the corner

and they tiptoed tiptoed while I went and hid my
shiny wet nose
big furry ears
big googly eyes

until the BEAR chased them
back through everything
up the stairs
forgot to shut the door
back downstairs, shut the door, back upstairs
into bed, under the covers (ok back to the side of the shed, cowering in fear)

We're not going a bear hunt again!

Until next week cos the kids love us cos
T and I are so freaking awesome!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Hehe get it?

Hugo is lately obsessed with the drains in the sinks and bathroom floor.

Hugo: Drain.
Me: Yes Hugo it's a drain. It's dirty. Come and wash your hands please.
Hugo: Round white drain.
Me: Yes that's right.
Hugo [cos I'm not allowed to just agree]: One round white drain.
Me [cos I have to echo]: Yes Hugo, it's a round white drain. Wash hands?

Hugo: Orange drain [and absolutely cracks up laughing. And laughing. And laughing].

Cos it's not orange. But he said it was. But it's not... get it? He made a joke. It's funny. Right?

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Damon, Hailey and Syd were playing under one of the tables.

M (yelling across the room, as she does): Damon! Hailey! Sydney! We don't hide under the tables.

Damon: Where can we hide then?

I'm back!

Went into work for a visit on Tuesday. They all loved me. It was very nice. Even Matthew and Rachelle who moved up from the nursery while I was gone wanted hugs, so that was a nice introduction for them and me.

Hugo is freaking amazing. "One blue plate." Oh my god. Still a cranky little shit when he hasn't had enough food or sleep. Jack is permanently a little shit. Syd is cute as hell and knows her cheeky grin forces adults to smile back, even when she's ignoring instructions.

M, the qualified in our room, annoys me, but not as much as Sh did so I guess it's ok. She does an awful lot of sitting and shouting instead of running and talking and playing and reading and laughing.

We don't have the bear hunt book or the dinosaur one in our room anymore. That's ok. I know them off by heart anyway. Hugo got all confused when I started reciting the bear hunt, telling me, "It's gooone, it's gooone." Hehe.

Three days next week.