Monday, April 10, 2006

It's Contagious...

Cos cos cos cos cos.

She says it all the time. Annoying, not to mention doubly so as it's contagious. T and I always find ourselves doing it too on the days Molly's here.

Also her never-ending "My mum's coming to pick me up?" which she's got some of the other kids asking too. It's not like she doesn't know the answer either. I think she just wants the reassurance.

I had to laugh though. I think it was something like her second day here. First day we'd let her sook a bit as she was new. This day though I wasn't going to go through a whole day with her crying so I went the the day's schedule with her:

"First we're going to have a play outside, then we'll go inside, then we'll have lunch and a sleep, then you'll wake up, then we'll all go and have a play outside and a snack and then... you're mum's gonna come and pick up!"

She seemed happy with the plan.

"So you wanna go on the swings now?" Hopeful of me I know. Unfortunately, it was not to be.

"Can you tell me that story again?"

Gotta love it.

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